Tanja Bürgelin-Arslan

Sculptures. AURA

„ Some people have a very radiance about them. When they enter a room, the sun seems to rise. But how can this aura, this glory that surrounds these people, become visible in a work of art?
 This is how the idea for Aura originated – many small nails connected with fine gold wire. As in life, what you see depends on the angle at which you look at it…

The glory of God radiates around people and lets them shine.“
Tanja Bürgelin-Arslan


Wood/ brass (3,200 nails)

Dimensions: 49 x 49 x 40 cm

There is a video about this sculpture.

“The human aura symbolizes God’s glory – executing this project in appropriate size in gold would be a dream of mine.”
The AURA sculpture measures about 50 x 50 cm – the perfect template for a life-size sculpture or larger.
The ideal material to represent God’s glory here would be gold. For the realization of this heart-felt project, I am looking for interested clients and sponsors.

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