Tanja Bürgelin-Arslan

Binzen Cemetery. Memorial

The MEMORIAL was unveiled and inaugurated on the Volkstrauertag 2018 at the cemetery in Binzen – 
in memory of the victims of war, terror and violence of the Nazi dictatorship.
 The fates of two Binzen citizens are representative of all victims of war, terror and violence:
 Max Brombacher, who committed suicide because he did not want to shoot prisoners of war, and mentally impaired Bertha Metzel, who was one of the first victims to be gassed, like many handicapped people whom the Nazis regarded as unworthy of life.
It was important to Tanja Bürgelin-Arslan to depict Max Brombacher and Bertha Metzel in silhouettes in order to facilitate an emotional access for the viewer. The surroundings as well as the viewer are reflected in the monument made of matt and mirror-polished steel – thus he enters into communication with the two victims from Binzen – a connection between past and present takes place. 
At first glance, the stelae resemble a folding screen; on closer inspection, a large cross can be seen connecting the three sides of the memorial and the two victims.
The cross, which stands for Jesus’ death and resurrection, also led to the shape of the monument as a sign of hope and fellowship.

Inauguration 2018
Cemetery in Binzen (G)
Commissioned by:
Municipality of Binzen

Stainless steel
Dimensions: 120 x 50 x 190 cm

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